Struggling with Daily Chronic Body Aches?

Break Free from the Hidden Pain Trap in Your Body and Enjoy a Life of Comfort with a Simple, Effective 11-Second Solution That Starts Working Today

Struggling with Daily Chronic Body Aches? 

Break Free from the Hidden Pain Trap in Your Body and Enjoy a Life of Comfort with a Simple, Effective 11-Second Solution That Starts Working Today

“You've become a professional at making awkward noises while trying to stand up from a chair” …

“Day after day it is only getting worse and worse” …

“You’re so familiar with the local pharmacy pain relief sections they should give you a loyalty card.”

This was the joke Emily, my daughter, made at our family's Thanksgiving dinner.

I gave a little giggle while everyone else was getting a good laugh out of it…

But deep inside it hurt...because I knew it was true…

Every attempt to stand up from my chair…

Was accompanied by awkward, strange noises that echoed through the room.

My daughter couldn’t help but notice the discomfort in my body rapidly worsen…

After the laughs….

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as my family exchanged glances…

Realizing the truth in Emily's words.

My struggle with chronic pain had now become a part of my family’s daily lives, and they all longed for a solution….

That could relieve me from my relentless body aches and pain and restore my life and body back to what it once was.

But little did my family know that the Thanksgiving day family get-together…

Also marked the beginning of a journey to find a groundbreaking solution…

To liberate my body from the pain prison it lived in for 3 years…

A solution that would not only permanently relieve me from my body's pain ….

But also give me a new revitalized life filled with energy daily.

Before I share the details of the miraculous events that took place after this day…

Let me introduce myself…

My name is Tom Harris…

I’m a firefighter here in Ann Arbor Michigan and a veteran of the U.S. Navy…

Look I’m sure you’re wondering what exactly happened to this guy for his family to be so concerned for him?

Well just a couple weeks before that Thanksgiving dinner…

My deteriorating body led me to an on the job accident…

That resulted in emergency room surgery..

Trust me it was never my intention for my body to degenerate to this point…

In fact, you are probably like me…And have tried everything possible to heal your body.

I literally tried everything you name it-

Every joint and muscle support supplement you can think of…

Physical therapy…

Those toxic addictive doctors prescribed opioids that you hear about on the news all the time…

Gimmicky pain relief machines...

Icing body parts daily…

You name it I did it…

Nothing eliminated the root cause of the intense aches and pains I had all over my body.

So stay with me because in the next few minutes…

I’m going to reveal to you exactly how I was able to finally live pain free after trying everything under the sun…

By escaping “The Vascular Pain Trap” that I lived in for years and that you are currently stuck in.

And it was all done with one simple and quick daily habit…

That provided immediate pain relief…

Enabling me from being able to go from the “old man” who was almost immobile….

To now living pain and ache free…

Being as mobile and as active as I was in my 20’s

A solution whose research is now backed by-

The University of Madrid, University of Chicago and Oxford University.

What's remarkable is how this secret protocol…

That eliminates persistent, intense pain…

Is something anyone can do…

No matter if you are a man or woman…

Young or old …

Or what your genetic background is…

Or how long you have been suffering with pesky aches, soreness and pains in your body…

Or how severe your body’s prior injuries are...

And the crazy part about this solution is…

The more you use it…

The more your body repairs and recovers…

From the years of damage, inflammation, aches and pains have caused it.

Here’s the thing I can relate to exactly how it feels…

To live a life where you dread getting out of bed every day…

Knowing that the second your feet hit the floor…

The constant roller coaster ride of muscle, joints and bone aches begins…

But a life free of all this is right in your hands as of today…

You no longer have to live a life being judged by others due to your limited physical abilities…

You no longer have to think twice before making a movement that will flare up your body’s pain.

Imagine life free of the unrelenting grips of chronic pain.

Where each step you take is no longer filled with discomfort…

But filled with newfound energy and freedom.

A life of being able to engage in physical activities that were once out of reach…

All while saving thousands of dollars a year…

No longer having to pay for…

Expensive prescription meds…


Gimmicky pain relief machines…

Or any other nonsense like that.

I know what you are hearing might seem too good to be true…

And if you are anything like me you might be skeptical at the start…

But hear from a few other people like me and you…

Whose bodies and lives were completely changed with easy-to-use daily habit-

That’s why I urge you to stick with me for the next few minutes…

As the big pharma tycoons are urgently trying to get this presentation removed…

As this all natural 11 second daily habit that will turn off your body’s aches and pains for good…

Has been rapidly eating away at their profits.

You have probably been told by your doctors, and physicians…

That your body’s aches and pains is something you are just going to have to live with…

And I am here to tell you firsthand that is not the case, and I am living proof.

You see the solutions you have been provided by your “medical experts” don’t treat the root cause of your body’s pain.

Their treatments only mask your pain giving short term temporary pain relief.

You might not realize this as your blood work and other exams you have done will not reveal it…

But the root cause of your body’s aches and pain are due to vascular issues…

That are causing an imbalances in your acid base levels.

With this simple daily solution these imbalances deep within your body are leveled…

As this long-term pain relief breakthrough….

Targets and penetrates your skin in the deepest and achiest points in your body with ease.

Giving your body a vascular system that is fluid and thriving.

More on this in a bit.

Now listen, serving our country in the Navy and now being an active firefighter for over 20 years…

 I've faced my fair share of challenges…

But none could have prepared me for the relentless battle I'd have to wage…

Against intense aches and pains that progressively took over my life.

You might be wondering why you should pay attention to my shocking story.

And let me tell you this story is as much about you as it is me.

I was just like you, or perhaps someone you know.

Despite my healthy and active lifestyle and my physical strength and resilience…

I couldn't escape the clutches of chronic pain.

The pain started in my neck…a piercing like pain.

Swiftly making its way down to my lower back.

Traditional solutions and advice didn’t work for me….

I tried everything-

Over the counter anti-inflammatory pills…

Creams sold at local pharmacies…

Hot and cold treatments…


And anti-inflammatory diets.

My wife would even mention how I would often go down online “rabbit holes” …

Searching online forums and social media…

For any new out of the box solution that could aid my body’s poor state.

You name it, I tried it, but nothing worked for me.

I followed their recommendations diligently…

But the pain persisted, and it was disheartening.

After years of endlessly trying every solution imaginable…

The pain had now creeped into my feet and knees.

Making walking a challenge…

Not to mention running with ease as I once did.

Imagine, a firefighter used to charging into burning buildings…

Now unable to find relief from his own physical torment.

To make matters worse…

My sex life with my wife all but disappeared…

As the stiffness and pain that overwhelmed my body restricted me from…

Making any physical movements …it was too painful.

Nights turned into sleepless, pain-filled episodes….

Tossing and turning in agony became the norm.

Then, one day the pain that had imprisoned my body for years reached its limit…

While on the job, we responded to an emergency call for a fire at an office building…

But as I hopped off the fire truck, ready to spring into action, my back gave out on me.

In an instant, I found myself laying on a blistering concrete floor that hot summer day.

I had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

I escaped the fall in one piece…

But ended up with spinal cord compressions and a torn hamstring.

After minor surgery to repair the torn hamstring l returned home.

But I returned home knowing I couldn’t go on like this much longer…

As I would be prone to having another serious accident.

My daily life then turned into one big pity party…

With my family and friends constantly asking me if it was ok anytime they saw me.

The calls to join in social gatherings…

Be it a trip to the park or a friendly game of basketball, just vanished.

To make matters worse I had to go on disability after the accident.

This was the last dagger in the heart…

As I lived to serve my community.

This was the point when the doctors began feeding me prescriptions of opioids and pain “relief” meds…

Oxycodone, Morphine, Codeine you name it, and I tried it…

All of them giving me temporary euphoric relief…

A false sense that my body was actually healing…

But in reality, it was only masking my body's pain.

In fact these meds were eating away at my insides …

And each time I missed taking a dose as prescribed I would be in even worse agonizing pain.

That is when I realized the doctors’ solutions of feeding me their expensive meds…

Was putting me in a state much worse than I was before…

Confined by the meds, limited in my mobility…

The meds were robbing me further of the active and healthy life I once enjoyed.

That is when I pulled the plug on the meds.

I knew the doctors’ solutions were only making matters worse.

I was determined to uncover the truth behind my chronic pain…

To find a true solution that would liberate me from the invisible pain trap that bound me.

Months went by with still no answers or solutions… 

And that is when that fateful Thanksgiving dinner took place.

And fortunately, my daughter’s concern for me despite her jokes…

Is what led me to embark on the quest for the unanswered questions.

You see, my daughter had returned home from college for Thanksgiving break…

She had seen right before her own eyes…

My body become progressively worse…

Riddled by more and more pains and aches over the years…

But not to the point where my body’s pain led me to an accident that required surgery.

And that is when that fateful Thanksgiving dinner took place.

And fortunately, my daughter’s concern for me despite her jokes…

Is what led me to embark on the quest for the unanswered questions.

You see, my daughter had returned home from college for Thanksgiving break…

She had seen right before her own eyes…

My body become progressively worse…

Riddled by more and more pains and aches over the years…

But not to the point where my body’s pain led me to an accident that required surgery.

Her good friend’s father at her university…

Specialized in vascular health research, recommended we get in touch…

Dr. Brad was a former advisor to big pharmaceutical companies…

Despite having a lucrative career…

He chose a different path after years in the industry.

Driven by a disdain from what he saw in the big pharma industry…

He decided to pursue his desire to uncover the hidden truth to the ever-growing pain issues…

That is now plaguing Americans and millions of other people across the globe.

After having a long conversation with Dr. Brad, I found a glimmer of hope…

A chance to uncover the root cause of my persistent pain…

And a way to break free from its shackles.

This is when we embarked on a journey…

That would uncover an astonishing discovery...

A discovery that had been concealed from the world's eyes for ages….

A discovery nestled in quaint villages of Eastern Europe.

A revelation that would change my life and hundreds of thousands of other men and women just like you and me…

Who were all in search of a pain-free existence…

And life’s with renewed vitality and boundless energy.

So, stay with me…

Because in the next part of this story,

We are now going to uncover the hidden secret of pain relief that has eluded you for far too long.

Because what Dr. Brad unveiled to me was nothing short of astonishing.

He truly ripped the curtain back on the dark reality of the pharmaceutical industry…

A world where profits take precedence over people's well-being.

Having been a consultant to these corporate giants…

He witnessed the ugly truth…

Tightly hidden behind the closed doors of these massive conglomerates.

After hearing details on all this from him…

I realized myself, you and millions of others are pawns in a game…

That thrives on keeping individual’s dependent on medications…

All while never providing any long-term solutions…

To treat the root cause of your pain and ache filled body.

After Dr. Brad shifted his focus back to his original studies and background of researching vascular health issues…

He made a monumental breakthrough.

A breakthrough that is now helping hundreds of thousands of people, just like you and me…

Thrive off of every single day.

He uncovered the true culprit behind those relentless aches and pains in our bodies…

Was almost always due to poor vascular health…Put more simply- inadequate healthy blood circulation.

This dangerous issue often went unnoticed because it is very hard to detect.

He went on to tell me that the direct consequence of bad blood circulation in our bodies…

Is we then suffer from unbalanced acid-base levels…

Establishing an acidic environment deep within our body….

Which then creates a breeding ground for pain and inflammation to flourish in our bodies.

You see when your blood flow is on point…

It gives you a balanced acid-base environment…

That is a natural anti-inflammatory mechanism.

So, when the body's vascular (blood flow) system is thriving and operating the way it should be…

Oxygen levels within our circulatory system are optimal…

Allowing the full delivery of nutrients to all our…

Muscles, joints, nerves, tissues, bones and organs.

Creating a completely non acidic environment in our bodies.

Leading to our bodies existing in an inflammation and pain free environment.

Dr Brad explained to me-

“It all comes down to fixing those unbalanced acid-based levels…Caused by the poor blood circulation you and millions of others have in the body…That leads to a whole lot of pain and discomfort.”

“Once we get blood circulation operating properly…More oxygen will be produced in the body …Which is then transported to the areas of the body where acidity is the highest…Balancing out acid base environments…And finally saying goodbye to all that pain caused by your acidity”

He continued….

“And it does not stop there….By improving your blood circulation, we kick inflammation to the curve…Fixing your cellular and tissue health…Getting them the oxygen, they need to function at its highest level…Enabling you to heal faster and eliminate…All pain and prior damage that was caused to your body…Due to poor blood circulation in your affected areas.”

“Once you address this underlying issue…You’ll experience long lasting pain relief like you have never imagined.”

So, you now might be wondering like I was…

How can healthy blood circulation…leading to this balanced acid based level environment be achieved?

Well Dr. Brad discovered the solution…

In an age-old remedy employed in small villages of Eastern Europe.

In this region chronic pain was practically unheard of…

Thanks to a powerful unique flower extract that grows rampantly there.

Its exceptional properties...

Had been long masked and buried by the healthcare giants.

This extract, when employed correctly…

Possesses the incredible ability to kickstart white blood vessel activity …

Deep within our bodies…

Allowing for improved blood flow and oxygen in the bodies affected areas.

In essence it acts as a vasodilator…

To explain it simply-

Our body’s tissues, muscles, joints and organs need a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients…

To function optimally…

When blood circulation is compromised these essential elements are not delivered effectively…

Leading to the aches, pains and inflammation your body is experiencing.

Dr. Brad and his team’s years of extensive research and clinical trials…

On this ancient extract provided concrete evidence of the transformative capabilities…

That this remarkable extract holds…

In the key to improving your blood circulation and creating a balanced acid level within the body…

Addressing the root cause of your discomfort and offering…

Lasting permanent relief from intense pain and aches.

And luckily for me….

After years of attempting to perfect…

This all-natural formula…

Facing nearly a dozen hurdles along the way...

Dr. Brad and his team were now on the verge…
Of unveiling the ultimate maximum strength formula…

For eradicating pain and discomfort in the body for good,

As they were wrapping up the last stage of their clinical trials…

For this unique pain and aches eliminating formula.

I was of course more than eager to take part in the trail myself.

And being that our daughters were such close friends…

Dr. Brad kindly delivered the solution to me in person.

I will never forget that brisk winter afternoon when he arrived at my doorstep…

With the hope and optimism that was displayed on his face for me.

And without hesitation, I followed Dr. Brad's simple instructions….

That same exact day, I could feel it working its magic.

It felt like a switch had been turned on…

And instantly my body began to feel relief.

With each passing day….

My muscles, joints, bones, tissues, and ligaments were awakening from a long and painful nightmare.

The inflammation and pain that had plagued me for so long diminished bit by bit.

Within a week, I could move with a freedom I hadn't experienced in years.

The tissues in my torn hamstring were repairing faster…

And the pain associated with it disappeared.

By the end of the month I was not only walking pain-free…

But I was also jogging around my neighborhood…

I reveled in the sheer joy of movement.

It was a triumphant return to the activities I had once taken for granted.

My love life with my wife was even back!

And by the third month…

I achieved a milestone I had thought was impossible—

I was back on the job as a firefighter.
I was truly reclaiming my life back!

As the months passed, the unique solution continued to work its wonders on my body.

I rejoined my friends for full-contact pick-up basketball games…

With my body agile and pain-free I was able to play without any physical limitations or fear.

All my sports related sprains and muscle strains had also vanished.

I was truly given a second chance in life.

And I will never forget the moment my daughter Emily returned home for Summer break…

Seeing the shock and joy in her eyes was like looking at a mirror of my own relief and happiness…

It marked a dawn of new hope and joy for myself and my entire family.

After all this taking place over a short few months…

I knew I had to report back to Dr. Brad.

I wanted him to know the incredible transformation his solution had brought to my life.

I could hardly contain my enthusiasm as I shared the news with him.

"Dr. Brad," I said, "you've given me back my life. Your discovery, this miraculous solution, it's not a short-term fix. It's a game-changer, a true blessing. I'm not just pain-free; I'm living life with endless energy, just like I did in my twenties."

Dr. Brad responded with the satisfaction of knowing…

That his dedication to uncovering the truth…

Had made a profound impact on another person’s life.

"Tom," he replied, "I'm thrilled to hear about your transformation. But please don’t stop the protocol just because you have seen great results the first few months. Remember, the longer you use this solution, the more its effects will become part of your long-term pain free living.”

“You will begin experiencing your most optimal and biggest results between the third and the sixth month. This is just the beginning of your pain-free journey."

So please continue doing exactly what you are doing.

And he was absolutely right.

The solution had not only given me immediate relief but had also become an integral part of my daily life.

It was a newfound source of vitality, a secret weapon against pain and inflammation.

With each passing day, I felt more alive…

More vibrant.

Since I remember I have always been a person that values giving back to the community.

I have worked in public service since I was a teenager…

And by the grace of God this life transformation took place so rapidly right before my eyes…

So, you might be wondering how all this is even possible…

And what exactly is this simple to use solution…

That to date has relieved 114,876 people from grips of their aches and pain filled bodies for good.

Well today I am happy to share all this with you.

I knew it was a calling for me to team with Dr. Brad and help millions of others…

Free themselves from the grips of severe pain, aches and inflammation in the body….

Just like I did.

By optimizing blood flow and balancing acid-base levels for a life of Blissful Comfort!

Giving you that new pain free body you deserve….

And It’s so easy that it takes only 11 seconds a day to implement it in your life…

And starts working for you the same exact second you start.

Without any meds that give side effects…

Or changes in your diet.

And to top it off it works for anyone…

No matter if you are…

Male or Female…

25 years old or 95 years old…

What genes you have…

How many prior surgeries or sports related injuries you have had…

Or how many other unpleasant and ineffective…

Muscle relaxers, addictive prescribed meds and pain patches you've tried in the past.

Or if you have arthritis…

And it even works for minor nagging aches, soreness, and healing of bruises…

Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?

And I know it might sound too good to be true…

If you're anything like me, you might have your doubts...

However, after myself and hundreds of thousands of others experienced...

This same lightning-fast relief from their aches, pain and inflammation...

It left us without a shred of skepticism…

That this was not a band-aid solution like so many others we tried.

As you are aware, the human body Is a very complex matter…

But Dr. Brad and his team cracked the code for an advanced maximum strength formula…

That attacks the body’s aches and pain in a “Smooth Symphony”

Soothing and easing tense, inflamed areas of your body, providing total relief.

Delivering pain free living where your vascular system is creating a non-acidic environment…

Penetrating deep into your tissues…

Targeting and correcting the very vascular issues that have been causing your pain.

Leaving no opportunity for inflammation, pain and aches to survive in your body.

So that is why we had to share this solution with people like you…

That are seeking a fast-acting long-term pain relief solution…

And that’s why you’re on this page right now.

This solution, while simple to implement in your life, is not readily available often due to product demand...

But the good news is.

As of right now this product is available...

So, I am happy to tell you today that all this is now possible for you as well...

Today we take immense pride in presenting to you the most potent...

Pain and Aches eliminating topical solution on earth—

CoolEase is a done for you natural proprietary unique blend of 5 powerful…

Nutrients, herbs, vitamins, antioxidants, extracts and minerals…

That are clinically and scientifically proven...

To work in harmony to optimize your blood circulation…

Creating a balanced acid base that promotes optimal healing within your body….

Eliminating inflammation, aches, pain and stiffness…

Delivering to your body an optimal regenerating environment.

So that is why we had to share this solution with people like you…

That are seeking a fast-acting long-term pain relief solution…

And that’s why you’re on this page right now.

This solution, while simple to implement in your life, is not readily available often due to product demand...

But the good news is.

As of right now this product is available...

So, I am happy to tell you today that all this is now possible for you as well...

Today we take immense pride in presenting to you the most potent...

Pain and Aches eliminating topical solution on earth—

CoolEase is a done for you natural proprietary unique blend of 5 powerful…

Nutrients, herbs, vitamins, antioxidants, extracts and minerals…

That are clinically and scientifically proven...

To work in harmony to optimize your blood circulation…

Creating a balanced acid base that promotes optimal healing within your body….

Eliminating inflammation, aches, pain and stiffness…

Delivering to your body an optimal regenerating environment.

Super ingredient #1 is-

Arnica Montana Flower Extract-

Arnica Montana Flower Extract, the superstar ingredient of this all-natural miracle solution.

It’s origins as a traditional and homeopathic medicine in Eastern Europe….

Dates back to the 16th century.

Arnica Montana Flower Extract, the superstar ingredient of this all-natural miracle solution.

It’s origins as a traditional and homeopathic medicine in Eastern Europe….

Dates back to the 16th century.

Arnica Montana opens up restricted blood to limbs, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves in the affected pain areas. It promotes healthy blood circulation and is used as treatment and protection for the skin. (1) 

It also possesses anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties...

Harnessing a unique power to rapidly absorb into the bloodstream upon instant application...

Reaching the body's deepest and most affected areas...

While simultaneously providing instant soothing and easing on your affected areas upon contact.

Research from the University of Chicago showed-

 Arnica Montana relieves symptoms of diseases relating to the restricted blood flow to nerve endings and the limbs of patients. (2)

It is the miracle extract that is the force behind…

Healing hundreds of thousands of people locked in the grips of pain and soreness.

Ingredient #2

Vitamin E-

Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant…

Promoting comprehensive pain free health throughout the body.

It stands as a vital and indispensable vitamin your body craves...

It is the major lipid-soluble, chain-breaking antioxidant in the body...…

Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant…

Promoting comprehensive nerve health throughout the body.

It stands as a vital and indispensable vitamin your body craves...

It is the major lipid-soluble, chain-breaking antioxidant in the body...…

It’s antioxidant properties…

Help create a non-acidic environment in your body…

That is so critical to your pain free living.

And when combined with Arnica Montana Flower Extract …

It increases the action and composition of vitamin E. (1)

More over nourishing and enhancing your skin’s overall health.

Research from Oregon State University showed- Vitamin E protects the skin and body from damage caused by free radicals- 3

Vitamin E also improves skin hydration, reduces inflammation, and improves the appearance of scars-(4)

Thankfully with CoolEase’s proprietary maximum strength blend…

You get the exact dosage of vitamin E needed…

That when combined with the other 4 super ingredients daily…

Will heal and then support your body...

All without having to take it and the other ingredients as a daily supplement.

Ingredient #3

Sunflower Oil-

Sunflower oil is recognized for its numerous health benefits…

It has a high concentration of linoleic acid giving it anti-inflammatory properties...

That is beneficial to reduce pain and inflammation…

Especially associated with arthritis and muscle aches.

Sunflower oil is recognized for its numerous health benefits…

It has a high concentration of linoleic acid giving it anti-inflammatory properties...

That is beneficial to reduce pain and inflammation…

Especially associated with arthritis and muscle aches.

These anti-inflammatory effects lead to oxygenation creating an improved blood circulation environment.

One of Sunflower Oils' many rapid effects are its moisturizing properties…

Which aids in maintaining skin hydration...

Allowing CoolEase’s unique synergistic combination of aches and pain banishing properties…

To effortlessly penetrate your bloodstream in the most affected regions of the body.

Biomed Research International found that- Sunflower oil possesses unsaturated fatty acids, which affect biological markers that help reduce inflammation. (5) 

Ingredient #4 


Menthol is one of the most critical ingredients in CoolEase...

This natural compound is the champion in delivering…

Immediate soothing, cooling and opening up vascular pathways.

Instantly alleviating discomfort within your body...

Menthol is one of the most critical ingredients in CoolEase...

This natural compound is the champion in delivering…

Immediate soothing, cooling and opening up vascular pathways.

Instantly alleviating discomfort within your body...

Leveraging its analgesic (pain-relieving) attributes...

Relieving your persistent pain in the most excruciating parts.

Making it essential to be part of this groundbreaking all-natural formula.

The ability of Menthol to enhance blood circulation and oxygen production…

When mixed with Arnica Montana flower extract, it is unparalleled.

Studies from the University of Oxford found-

Menthol induces cutaneous vasodilation through several mechanisms: nitric oxide (NO), endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), and sensory nerve-dependent mechanisms. This demonstrates that menthol has a multifaceted impact on blood vessels, contributing to its vasodilatory effects. (6)

The oxygen, blood circulation enhancing power Menthol has…

Is precisely what your body requires to keep its acid-based levels balanced…

Preventing any chance of pain, aches or soreness from flourishing in your body.

Ingredient #5

Aloe Vera-

Aloe Vera the gift that keeps on giving…

Simply put it is one of the most versatile plants on earth.

Its numerous medicinal benefits have been used for centuries…

Renowned for the soothing and hydrating qualities, it delivers to the mitochondria.

Aloe Vera the gift that keeps on giving…

Simply put it is one of the most versatile plants on earth.

Its numerous medicinal benefits have been used for centuries…

Renowned for the soothing and hydrating qualities, it delivers to the mitochondria.

Aloe Vera is also known to have analgesic properties….

Which is particularly helpful in aiding in recovery from…

Muscle aches, strains and tears.

Study from the University of Madrid found-

That aloe vera reduces inflammation and accelerates the body's vascular system while providing healing properties to affected areas. (7)

And this entire award-winning…

Potent proprietary blend..

Comes in an easily applicable topical cream!

So, while some of these super ingredients can be found at local stores…

Getting it from the right source with the pure quality…

Needed to have the true effects…

Is a bit harder to do and very expensive.

Despite this, getting it from any other source was not an option for Dr. Brad and his team…

Especially knowing….

That chronic pain sufferers like you and I need a done for you remedy of the highest quality.

One that….

  • Has no guesswork…
  • No sourcing problems…
  • No cost concerns…
  • ​No burning or skin irritation…


  • No quality issues.

A complete done for you solution…


Clinically and scientifically proven to rid your body of pain related symptoms.

This fusion of 5 supercharged, all-natural vascular enhancing elements…

Is precisely what eradicated the severe aches and pains from my body for good.

And replicated those exact results…

For hundreds of thousands of other individuals just like you.

These unique Eastern European inspired ingredients CoolEase has…

Have been meticulously researched, formulated, and created…

With love and care by Dr. Brad and his team.

Every step has been taken….

To ensure CoolEase is the purest and highest quality product you've ever taken,

Directly targeting the acidic environment your body is currently under the grips of.

For the fastest-acting, ultra-cooling long term pain relief you've ever experienced.

That is unlike anything you have ever tried before.

All manufactured in the U.S.A.

Every step of this advanced maximum strength formulation is taken to ensure you only get…

  • 100% natural proprietary blend…

          Of 5 powerful nutrients, antioxidants, extracts, herbs, vitamins and minerals…

  • With no dangerous stimulants, chemicals, or toxins…
  • No tolerance forming…
  • ​Safe for those with sensitive skin and health conditions…
  • Scent free…
  • In an easy to use nonstick, no residue or grease application.
  • Manufactured in the USA at a GMP and FDA certified facility.
  • And non-GMO

Each production is tested by 3rd party labs.

To ensure only the highest quality of industry standards.

For the fastest-acting, ultra-cooling pain relief you've ever experienced.

That is unlike anything you have ever tried before.

All manufactured in the U.S.A.

Every step of this advanced formulation is taken to ensure you only get…

  • 100% natural proprietary blend of 5 powerful nutrients, antioxidants, extracts, herbs vitamins and minerals.
  • With no dangerous stimulants, chemicals, or toxins…
  • No tolerance forming.
  • ​Safe for those with sensitive skin and health conditions
  • ​Scent free
  • In an easy to use nonstick, no residue or grease application.
  • ​Manufactured in the USA at a GMP and FDA certified facility.
  • ​And non-GMO

Each production is tested by 3rd party labs...

To ensure only the highest quality of industry standards.

This is not a cheap cream that has failed you in the past…

That you can find at your local pharmacy.

So here is how it works:

Rub an appropriate amount of CoolEase to the affected areas…

And massage it into the skin until absorbed.

It is so easy to use you will forget you even put it on…

Sounds simple enough?

That’s because it is.

For just 11 extra seconds of your time every day you can…

Get back the aches and pain-free life you deserve.

I know that might sound too good to be true, and that's understandable.

Because most new customers are skeptical in the beginning.

But see why so many people are raving about CoolEase-

There is one thing I must warn you about –

Due to us sourcing only the precise amount of the finest ingredients…

For maximum purity and potency for optimal body absorption,

This solution, while simple to implement into your life…

Is not readily available often due to product demand…

As we are only able to produce 4 batches of CoolEase a year.

But we always keep a reserve stock on hand for first time customers like yourself.

So, I want to give you this rare opportunity to take advantage of it today …

As this might be your only chance…

To get your hands on this one-of-a-kind vascular pain trap eliminating protocol.

But so, you can kickstart your road to recovery I am going to give you access to CoolEase today!

Our customers with the most long-term results choose either the 3 or 6 jar options.

3 jars to guarantee your pain issues won’t bounce right after feeling pain free for a couple months...

Or our most popular 6 jars which will kick your recovery into high gear…

Leading to an optimal and healthy circulatory system...

Balancing your acid based levels, eliminating any aches, pains, soreness and inflammation…

Locking in and protecting these results for life…

Flushing away years of long-term muscle, tendon, joint and nerve damage forever…

Reversing the clock on all your body's prior damage.

Producing this unique pain banishing body rejuvenating blend was costly…

But our goal is to make it as affordable as possible…
and available to everyone.

So, the only way we can do this is by making it available directly to you.

By staying out of stores…

This allows us to make it affordable for you…

Without compromising the effectiveness of any of the ache and pain-relieving.

ingredients exclusive to CoolEase.

Which is why it is only available on this page to new customers, like yourself.

So, I am happy to tell you that right on this page today only,

We will also give the steepest discount possible.

CoolEase is normally $99 a jar…

But we do not want to let a price tag get in the way of you taking back your health.

So, despite going against the recommended price...

Other medical experts said should be charged for CoolEase….

You won’t pay $99 per jar… … or even $79…

Your total investment today is…

Just $69 per jar…

That’s $30 off the regular price!

The discount does not stop there!

Take action today and select 6 jars of CoolEase…

I will give it to you for $49 per jar with no strings attached.

That’s $49 a month, a little over $1.60 a day for a 6-month supply of CoolEase.

Less than this cup of coffee.

This discounted pricing option is only available to first-time customers like yourself!

To take advantage of this one-time opportunity …

Simply click the button below and have your jars rushed delivered to your door at no cost…

And experience the life-changing benefits yourself.

Remember pain and inflammation have already caused damage to your internal system …

With the possibility of lasting damage awaiting you down the road.

Clinical studies show that the longer you use CoolEase…

The greater (and longer-lasting) the benefits will be.

So the key is consistency…

As coolease benefits compound……

The more you apply coolease over weeks and months the more it delivers long lasting relief…

And the closer you will get to permanently restoring…

Your muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves, back to their normal state.

You are just days away from experiencing the incredible benefits only CoolEase can provide for you.


Due to demand, we have a hard time keeping products in stock.

You might have to wait a LONG TIME to get your next order!

That's why I recommend taking advantage of this offer today!

Shipping within the U.S. may take 4-7 business days

Your purchase is done with encrypted SSL so all your purchase information is protected.

To top it off, we are going to offer you the opportunity to try CoolEase for 60 days risk free.

And if you are not 100% happy with CoolEase….

Just contact our world class U.S. based customer support team…

And they will issue you a full refund, no questions asked.

So now is your chance to decide.

Picture the life that awaits you…

Where your friends and family marvel at your rapid transformation…

No longer dreading getting out of bed daily…

Knowing that your chronic aches and pains will control your body the second you get out of bed.

Reversing all prior damage done to your internal system…

Enjoying sound sleep at night…

Rejuvenating your joints, nerves, muscles and tendons…

Giving you the same youth and vigor, you had in your 30s.

Giving yourself back the body, health and comfort, you well deserve!


Go one with life as is.

Allow your days to be dictated by stubborn aches and pain…

Watch as your body withers away day by day….

Enduring more anxiety filled sleepless nights…

Tossing and turning, tormented by intolerable aches and pains.

Wondering when you will ever be able to be mobile and active again….

Friends and family judging you every time you struggle to partake in family outings.

Living with regret knowing…

You didn’t do everything you could to give yourself the health and life you deserve.

But you can prevent all this…

For the small cost of $1.60 per day.

If you suffer from any form of aches and pain ….

CoolEase is for you.

CoolEase is NOT sold in stores or on any other websites.

The ONLY place you can get this breakthrough done for you formula is right here on this page today.

And we do not know how long we can keep it available for.

Demand is very high.

Once You Exit This Page You Cannot Come Back Here To Take Advantage Of This Offer!

This is ONLY being offered to first time buyers of CoolEase….

So, take advantage!

Remember we will mail out your order FREE of charge.

No shipping costs to you.

So, what are you waiting for?

Click to have your jars rushed delivered to your door for no cost…

And experience the life-changing benefits yourself.

You are days away from experiencing the incredible benefits only CoolEase can provide.

Give CoolEase a try and see the difference it brings to your life.

That's why I recommend taking advantage of this offer today!

Shipping within the U.S. may take 4-7 business days

Your purchase is done with encrypted SSL so all your purchase information is protected.

So let’s recap on what you will get.

Over 50% off.

Free shipping worldwide…

60-day risk free money back guarantee…

And the pain soothing, inflammatory eliminating…

Results that only CoolEase can deliver.

You’ve got nothing to lose!

Try CoolEase Risk Free!

Just ask for your money back within 60 days of trying it if you’re not happy.

Even if you use the entire container.

We’ll refund every penny!

Click below to have your jars rushed delivered to your door for no cost…

And experience the life-changing benefits yourself.


In order to understand what CoolEase is- it helps to understand what it's NOT
CoolEase IS NOT:

An annoying doctor prescribed patch with dangerous side effects.

A low-quality product with a label slapped on it that you can find on Amazon.

A solution that will only provide you with a short-term chill sensation.

That only distracts you from your excruciating pain…

Only to be back in the grips of your aching body hours later.

A greasy cream with a foul odor that won’t go away…

Or any nonsense like that.

CoolEase is Manufactured in the USA…

At a GMP And FDA Certified Facility.

Still not convinced…

See what these satisfied CoolEase users had to say…

Fort Worth, TX

Life became a struggle due to severe inflammation and chronic aches. Daily tasks were overwhelming, and I knew I needed a change. That's when I discovered CoolEase. I was skeptical at first, but the impact was immediate. I hoped for just a bit of relief, but to my surprise, all my aches and pains disappeared . Now, I sleep better and feel more energized daily, and it is so simple to use. I just rub it into my affected areas in a matter of seconds. I am not on my 5th month of using CoolEase. It has been transformative, offering me a new lease on life. It's incredibly easy to use. I recently ordered another 6 months’ supply of CoolEase. I highly recommend giving it a try!

Tim R.

For over five years, I dealt with intense aches in my fingers and feet, making life a constant challenge. I tried every remedy available - pills, patches, yoga - but nothing provided lasting relief. Then, I found CoolEase. The relief was immediate, and the natural ingredients meant no adverse side effects like those from other treatments. It also does not stick to my skin and is odorless.I can't recommend it enough to those seeking genuine long-term relief. Thanks Dr. Brad for this game-changing product!

We are not #1 rated for customer satisfaction for no reason!

CoolEase is normally $99 a jar...

And at that price, it’s a steal….

After all, you can’t put a price tag on your body and health….

Or the look of joy and amazement you will see on your friends and family faces ….

Once they see your new aches and pain free active life.

We want you to have this in your life as well…

Which is why we're offering you a limited-time, exclusive discount…

Act now and experience the life changing results that only CoolEase can deliver-

That's why I recommend taking advantage of this offer today!

Shipping within the U.S. may take 4-7 business days

Your purchase is done with encrypted SSL so all your purchase information is protected.

Still here?

Well let me answer some frequently asked questions...


What will I get with my purchase?

You will get the #1 rated all-natural pain and aches eliminating product out there.

And free express worldwide shipping on all orders.

Will it work for me?

CoolEase will work for anyone, regardless of age, gender, or genetics.

It doesn’t matter if you have had pain, aches, or stiffness for a short time or for decades.

The key is to consistently use this easy-to-apply product.

Where is CoolEase manufactured?

CoolEase is manufactured in the USA.

It is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility under the strictest of standards and clean, sterile conditions.

The facility is GMP certified, which is a very tough and meticulous standard to obtain for manufacturers.

This ensures only the purest, highest quality product is produced and delivered to you.

Does CoolEase have any side effects?

No, there are no side effects with CoolEase.

It has been taken by hundreds of thousands of individuals with not one single reported side effect.

It contains only all-natural ingredients.

How many jars of CoolEase should I order?

To get the full results of CoolEase we recommend taking the product for a minimum of 6 months. So, we recommend the 6 jar option.

What are your shipping and handling costs?

There are absolutely no shipping and handling costs on all CoolEase orders, regardless of order size or shipping location.

Are there any monthly charges?

No. There are no monthly charges.

Can I get it somewhere else online like Amazon, eBAY or GNC?

No, CoolEase is only available on this page and is not sold in any stores.

It is exclusively sold direct-to-consumer to offer significant savings.

Beware of fake or counterfeit versions on other websites.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

CoolEase comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

If you aren’t satisfied within two months of purchase, just email or call us for a full refund, no questions asked.

How long will it be available for?

We cannot guarantee how long CoolEase will be in stock for.

Due to sourcing only the finest and purest pain eliminating ingredients we can only manufacture CoolEase 4 times a year.

CoolEase is the only all natural product that has been scientifically proven to eliminate pains and aches permanently.

So, we ask that you act right now in order to get your order of CoolEase in before supplies run out.

How long will it take to receive my order?

For U.S. orders, you will receive your order between 3-7 business days.

For all international orders outside the U.S., you will receive your order between 10-25 business days.

Is it Smelly or Sticky?

No, CoolEase is easy to apply, leaving a non-stick absorption into the skin without any lingering odors.

Does CoolEase really work?

Yes, it works. And it’s scientifically proven. Not only have double-blind tests and research been performed over the years…

But CoolEase is also backed by research from top institutes and universities across the globe- University of Madrid, University of Chicago, Oxford University, Oregon State University and dozens of other top research institutions.

After I order, where do I access my purchase information?

After you purchase CoolEase, you will immediately be sent a welcome email which will give you shipping details for your order.

Where do I store CoolEase?

CoolEase can be stored at room temperature in your kitchen or bathroom cabinets, or in the refrigerator if preferred.

Okay I’m excited. How can I get started?

To join, just click the “Add To Cart” button below…

And you’ll be taken to our fully encrypted secured order form.

It only takes 60 seconds to enter your information…

And as soon as you’re finished your order will be processed immediately.

That's why I recommend taking advantage of this offer today!

Shipping within the U.S. may take 4-7 business days

Your purchase is done with encrypted SSL so all your purchase information is protected.










Copyright 2023 - CoolEase - All Rights Reserved

The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have health problem.